Sunday 25 January 2009

AAA chapter 8

Well I promise I would try doing this chapter until today Sunday... that haven't been possible, I finished him yesterday :-)

I'm now editing Bokutachi no Tabi chap. 2, I hope to finish this soon!

Thursday 22 January 2009

Dear Boys again!

Regarding Dear Boys as some of you may know that I've talked over with the guys at MangaOne and they will pick up Dear Boys Act II thats great news, btw I will be the assistent Editor for Dear Boys Act II under the supervision of their main Editor. (BTW she's a very scary person... women... can't win against them :-P)

So I can advance you guys that next month will be out some releases regarding Dear Boys Act II.

But not everything is sweet... because we still have to find translator willing to help on Dear Boys 1st Season... I've started learning seriously Japanese but I'm very far to start translating anything... so if you are a JAP -> ENG translator, wanna help?

First assignment

My first assign job at Divine Sanctuary is to do chapter 8 of one of my current readings! AAA (Triple A) from Fukushima Haruka.

Sarah didn't say anything about timelines but I have a personal mark to achieve, I will try to edit this whole chapter in one week.

Well i'm a newbie in this so I think one week to clean, redraw, typeset and edit the chapter is a damn good goal to achieve.

So the deadline will be next Sunday, 25th.

Sunday 4 January 2009

And the result is....

"Hi Alex,

so two of our editors had a look on it and they said you passed :-)
So if you want you can join as editor.
The only thing they said you need to change is to stroke letters who are on a dark/grey background and remove a lil bit dirt.
Did you edit before? Seems that you're not totally new ..."

I'm defenatly a newbie in editing, but a very fast learner so starting today I'm one of the Editors of DS I'll promise hard work for DS :-)

I'm feeling like a kid exploding in joy!

Saturday 3 January 2009

Divine Sanctuary Scanlations

Hummm here some fresh news, today I've applyed has a editor at Divine Sanctuary Scanlations, and for that I had to do a test... damn that sucks, it felt that I was back to the university making some test without that great fealing of achivement.
I know that the I'm being selfish but what can I say? That was what I felt...

I think the test was not so bad since I started working with Photoshop since 2 days back :-) but never the less that's only excuses, I need to practice more and more to achieve a personal level of satisfaction in my work.

One thing is for sure, i've notice a great improvement from my work with Beach Start Chap. 23 made using GIMP and the test made using Photoshop, I'm not saying that is better using photoshop in MANGA EDITION, but instead, there's more tutorials over the internet for photoshop that for GIMP.

Whell know I only need to wait for the results, I'm not waiting nothing of mutch but one thing is for sure, my wife hates when I spend a lot of time reading MANGA or watching Anime, I wounder when I'll have to sleep in the living room because of my addiction muahahahaha :-P